Institute of Mechanical Engineers Railway Challenge

Continuing our interest in working with other groups who have model engineering related projects, we have a story to relay of an example of this. ESME was approached last year by Finn Thompson, a student from Herriot Watt University, who was putting together a team of students to enter the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Railway Read more about Institute of Mechanical Engineers Railway Challenge[…]

The Official Opening Ceremony at Almondell

On Wednesday 23rd August 2023, the Almondell Model Engineering Centre was officially opened after 10 years of hard work by a dedicated group of members from the Edinburgh Society of Model Engineers. The Official Opening Ceremony was a great success with many members there and invited guests too. On the operational side of the railway, Read more about The Official Opening Ceremony at Almondell[…]


The Edinburgh Society of Model Engineers (ESME) has completed MCS Certification of our CARES funded “Model of the Future” Solar powered micro generation project, meaning that we are now generating a considerable amount of our own electricity and a bit spare to send to the grid. The £30,000 project, 80% funded by a grant from Read more about ALMONDELL MODEL ENGINEERING CENTRE ACHIEVES NET ZERO TARGET[…]