May 25, 2015

Who Can Join ESME?

There are currently over 90 members of the Society and anyone can join regardless of their background.  Our site at Almondell offers much more than just model engineering.

Members come from all walks of life and include accountants, building trades people, bankers, farmers, hoteliers, musicians, teachers, public servants, engineers as well as job seekers, retired people and those in full and part time education.

Benefits include full participation in the club activities such as running and building models, special visits, talks  and instructional lectures.  Members have full access to the club facilities, public liability and accident insurance and, if you own a steam locomotive, boiler inspection and insurance.

The current full adult membership fee is £60.00 per person, per annum, but the Society offers a number of other categories of membership which are explained on the downloadable membership form.



You may find the Membership information leaflet below, very helpful.
Data protection information is included in the information leaflet above.
Charity registered in Scotland SC041019.