And there it was, the email we had all been waiting for, the official blessing to start testing the 7¼” Circuit ‘C’!
Almondell Track ‘now ready to go’ Sender: ESME Secretary 13th July 2018 at 8:07 pm
Hello Members,
I am pleased to tell everyone that circuit ‘C’ has been completed with all the required ballast and the track is now ready for testing.
From this Sunday 15th July, members are welcome to bring their locos to help test the track.
Almondell Track Today Sender: ESME Secretary 15th July at 9:39 pm
Hello Members,
Just to report that the first run of locomotives on the ‘C’ circuit today was very successful. The opinion from the drivers was that the track is good with no sensation of leaning in either direction. There are as you would expect a few snags to sort out, but all is well for further track running next Sunday.
There were three locomotives testing the track and a radio controlled ‘G’ scale train was spotted on the other track running along side by side with the big locos.
Video of the above locomotives running
Video from the footplate of ‘Lion’
Thanks to everyone involved with this super project which has made the impossible possible with such dedication and commitment. WELL DONE INDEED.