Earlier in the Year, ESME members were briefed about the award of the West Lothian LEADER grant and the future of the project to construct the Visitor & Heritage Centre at Almondell.
The chair of ESME, on behalf of the club, thanked those intimately involved in the preparation of the West Lothian LEADER application and the supporting building details for their time and effort. The West Lothian LEADER grant totals £157,817.38, which together with a grant from Viridor plus ESME members funds means that the cost of building the Visitor & Heritage Centre has been raised.
It is now full steam ahead to construct the 400m² facility with workshop, large and small meeting rooms, kitchen, office, toilets, museum and /or public Area, two training rooms and a library.
The steps in this exciting project were outlined:
- Get the planning and building warrants from the local authorities.
- Clear the building area of the containers and temporary workshop by relocating them further towards the steaming bay area.
- Clear all trees, recover suitable timber for selling to a Bio Mass producer.
- Dig the drainage ditch for the packaged treatment plant sewage system and get the waste water treatment plant installed (Advanced Utilities have offered to help previously).
- Clear the topsoil from the area of the foundations, grade to make level then construct Hard Core pad for the building.
- Appoint and manage Subcontractor for wall erection and the subcontractor for the air source heat pump heating system.
- Appoint and manage main contractor.
- Internal painting of building.
Preparation work for the Visitor & Heritage Centre that can be done prior to the granting of planning and building warrants from the local authorities would begin immediately whilst at the same time the members were reminded of the need to continue clearing out the site at Newliston. As one wag was heard to say, ‘No pressure then!’
The meeting concluded with a veteran member who said that ‘In over forty years of membership running a railway on leased land I feel that for the first time ESME is on the cusp of being in control of its own destiny and being able to invest in the community at large to engage, not only with model engineering, but to learn associated skills for future generations to enjoy.’