Running the locomotives that members have spent a lot of time and energy constructing is perhaps the most visible evidence of our club’s activities. People of all ages love to see them in action on the track. For the very young it is a thrill to experience for the first time a snorting, hissing and vocal steam engine in action. For the technological, smart phone generation it is the ‘cool’ battery-electric-powered models with their sound cards emulating the throb and roar of the diesel engine, the working lights and being able to drive it using their smart phone. For the more mature of us it is a trip down memory lane. As one retired steam locomotive driver once commented ‘If I shut my eyes I am back on the bucking, swaying footplate with that lovely smell of hot oil, steam and coal smoke in my nostrils’.
Many photographs have been taken of our club activities over the years and these have been assembled into galleries for you to browse. We do hope you enjoy them.