Maxi Lucky 7 Post Op Recovery…….

From South of Edinburgh comes the good news that the patient is making a steady recovery following successful completion of the axle box replacement and some surgery to the axle.  The Lucky 7 is currently undergoing a period of gentle rehabilitation.

‘Hello everyone, here is a bit of an update.  The loco has now been re-assembled, and is undergoing some gentle running in.  Already it seems freer, and I am now able to push it on my own.

The new box, with larger oilwell.  Note the hole in the front face, which feeds oil down a gallery to the small hole with oil groove, just visible in the lower half of the box.  The recesses in the front and back take the suspension saddle.

This shows the oil gallery, and distribution grooves in the bore.

Here we see the oil grooves in the top of the bore, and the plug sealing the lower end of the oil gallery.

Wheels heading back down the rope-worked incline to join the loco.



Loco jacked up, and ready to refit the repaired axle and box, with ‘supervisor’ present.

Wheels, and boxes being checked by ‘supervisor’ prior to being rolled under the loco..



Now, I can get back to enjoying running the loco, and upgrading the line, to allow it to have a longer run.  End of story, everyone.  Hope you are all keeping well, someday we will meet up again.  Yours, Charlie.’