A first for ESME was to be asked to provide the portable track for a wedding reception. With a the sun shining and ‘Morning Star’ polished to perfection, Robert, Russell and Phil put on a faultless event.
The happy couple, Marie and Graeme Moyes are seated behind the locomotive ready for the off. In this instance driver Robert had two trains to worry about! The event took place in the grounds of Melville Castle on the 17th August 2019.
Maintaining the fire for seven hours was a worry, however Robert reported that ‘Morning Star’ rose to the occasion, spending most of the time blowing off merrily aided by the strong wind drawing the fire. Phil’s class 20 proved a big hit with the guests, a number being from Scotrail they had a wee drive of a ‘proper’ engine!
At the close of operations the ESME team presented the Bride & Groom with the ‘Wedding Belle’ headboard as a memento of their day.