The Loneliness Of The CoVid Worker…..

Over the past few weeks with the easing of lockdown restrictions (although these could change in the light of current developments) some construction activity has returned to Almondell.  Care has been taken to ensure Social Distancing, but a combination of an 11 acre site and staggering of working party days this has not been too difficult to achieve.  In fact, keeping in touch has now resulted in members still communicating by phone or Zoom!  This picture gallery gives a flavour…..

Point construction.  This shows the stages in building the link between the Almondell & Newlsiton circuits.  This is the 7¼” / 5″ American rail section point.



Embankment construction on the North leg of the Comrie circuit (7¼” only).


The final photo shows the view that will be seen when traversing the circuit at this section.  Still many tons of Blaes to be put down to get the correct level!


Inginuity at the ‘panel building’ table!  Stevie got fed up with the rain going down the back of his neck!


And to finish off, edging board construction at the West end on the Almondell circuit.