The Apprentice……

One of our younger members over the past 7 months, give or take, has been working with ESME member George as his ‘Apprentice’.  This is his story:

‘My main focus has been completing my late grandfather’s Don Young designed 5” model of a North British Railway D34 ‘Glen’.  Though some other projects have floated through!  

What I am learning has been invaluable. I can operate and setup machines such as the Colchester Lathe or Bridgeport Mill to produce accurate components for my projects.  My silver soldering is getting to a good standard as are my surface finishes.  I have my own smallish workshop at home now and through my learning I have become more confident in using my own machinery to construct a 16mm narrow gauge steam loco.

Meanwhile the ‘Glen’ has gone from a rolling chassis to a steaming loco, albeit not quite on the track yet but hopefully soon.  I recently made my own cast iron piston rings for the ‘Glen’ something new to me and George. We worked out different methods for the heat treatment process and settled on opening the cast iron ring out on a piece of flat bar and heating it till it drops into water.  The rings work a treat.  

From piston rings to brass pipe cones and milling with the rotary table, I have learned an awful lot from ESME members George and Russell, two very experienced engineers.

I am very sure that there is still much more to learn as the projects come rolling through.’

The following photographs illustrate the high standard of workmanship Daniel is producing……

First up is the ‘Glen’















Next up is the 16mm ‘Dacre’





It is quite rewarding to learn that one of the objectives of ESME & the Almondell Model Engineering Centre (to pass on engineering skills to the next generation) is being fulfilled.  We look forward to seeing Daniel’s efforts running around the tracks at Almondell.

Once the Heritage Centre & Museum workshop facilities are fully up & running other skills such as casting can be taught.

If you are interested in either getting involved or learning model engineering skills then please contact us or why not visit us?  Directions to the Almodell Model Engineering Centre