Thursday 14th April was a day to enter in the diary as it marked the completion of the Almondell circuit by Peter’s track gang. Peter, Steve, George & Archie had been labouring away for many months in all weathers to build the track panels & then lay & ballast them in perfect formation.
Our Roving Reporter was there to record the event…..
Steve fixes the fishplates to allow the works train over the bridge…
Peter collects the ballast wagons…..
All ready for the works train……
Which is carefully manouvered by Rory under the watchfull eye of Steve.
‘Here, George, you take t’heavy end’….
Meanwhile, the G’vnor adopts the traditional position & offers ‘advice’!
The Class 37 is readied for the test run….
Robert heads across the Five Sisters Crossing.
After all that exertion, lunch beckons!