Devil’s In The Detail…..

A recent digression into making a new set of front gates for the Bathgate Locomotive Works has meant that work on ‘Maude’ took a back seat for a short while.  However, the Works Manager has been busy getting production back into full swing dealing with completing the design of the regulator fixing within the dome.  Attention then moved to constructing the cover for the safety valves.  Here is the latest update:

Nice gates by the way…….

‘The original design required four holes to be drilled through the boiler shell, which I must admit I was not keen on.  I designed this modification which will allow the removal of the body if required.
















‘The last three photographs show the addition of the outer dome cover support added to the top of the inner dome& then checked to see that the realtive heights were correct so that the cover would sit snugly on the cladding.’


‘The fabrication of the cover for the safety valves followed a similar method to that of the fabrication of the dome cover.


Just need to work out how to add the flare on the bases of both covers!’

‘Soon be ready for the steam test…….!!’

The lifting of the CoVid restrictions now gives me access to the track to run ‘Morning Star’, so work on Maude may take a bit of a back seat for summer……