Just before this article was written the Met Office were writing about all sorts of records tumbling as a very hot 2022 draws to a close. Certainly at Almondell we have had our fair share of high temperatures which we could see by the marks left in the ballast by the sleepers moving to accommodate the expanding track. Luckily we did not suffer any buckling. This record summer continued into November which meant that over the 11 months of 2022 we had made signficant progress with developing the track.
So why the title you may be asking?
Well, December 2022 has laid claim to being the coldest since December 2010 & we all remember what that winter was like! As our Roving Reporter set out to take photographs it became clear that working conditions were far from ideal.
Unsure what he would find on site, our reporter was delighted to find that a few brave (or foolish!) members vetured out and was able to submit this photo article…….
When you’re up to your knees in ice cold water, working on metal that’s below freezing, it’s hard to remember that your initial objective was to help Daniel…...
…… who is sensibly working in the warm workshop!
Let’s hope that 2023 doesn’t start with a long cold snap. Attractive though the snow is, we would prefer to continue with the good progress completing the remaining circuits.
We want 2023 to be the year we can say ‘JOB DONE!’