Team Effort….

Sunday’s successful public running didn’t happen without a lot of unseen background organising, planning & effort.  It is always difficult to do justice to the members involvement, however our Roving Reporter had his trusty camera out & recorded some candid shots of our members in action.  This is their photo-story…..

The day before the event…….

Working party….


Brake test…


Home stretch…


Sanitiser station…

Coffee tasting…






After you Mark…

Snack list…

but not for you!

We’re all ready….












Event Day!

11:03 arrivals…

Quick discussion…


A busy start….

Through train…

How does it work?

Seat sanitising…

Ready to go…..






We’re off!

Clean exhaust…

Been a great time….

Last train…

home in time for tea!













A big thanks to all the members who helped.

See you next time!