The SRPS were offered an incomplete 3½” gauge Caledonian 4-4-0 model. The SRPS were unable to take this on and referred the owner to ESME.
Kevan Shaw takes up the story:
‘We have been very fortunate to have received a donation of a part built 3½” gauge locomotive. Andrew Newton and I collected it from the donor who acquired it as part of the contents of a house she bought.
It is a 4-4-0 of a generally Caledonian appearance with the number 140 on the cab side sheet. This would make it a ‘Dunalastair 4‘, a class built between 1904 and 1910 by John Macintosh. Number 140 was one of the locomotives involved in the Quintinshill disaster of 22 May 1915.
The ‘Model Engineer and Amateur Electrician’ in 1901 ran a constructional series by E.L.Pearce on building a Dunalastair III .
The series ran in issues 42,44,46,48 & 50 from Vol 4, and 54,56 & 58 from Vol 5.
It was designed with a prototypical fire tube boiler suitable for spirit, paraffin (Primus) and ‘charcoal’ firing, with details for the burners and grate included… it would be interesting to track down these articles to see if our loco is related to these drawings albeit it is an earlier version of our loco. If anyone recognises any other bits as belonging to another loco it would be good to know.
What do we do with this engine? If we can find the above articles, should complete the model, restore it as a static exhibit or just keep it as it is? What do you think?
Answers on an e-mail to