Building Completed……..


ESME would like to give a heartfelt thanks to the following organisations without whose help & generosity our magnificent Heritage Centre & Museum Building would not be there!



Stuart Burke & Associates (now Kiloh Associates) for all their thoughts on design, the requisite drawings & advice on the building construction to comply with the Eco requirements.


LEADER & Viridor for their significant funding contributions which enabled the erection of the basic structure.



The Levenseat Trust & Mitsubishi for their funding & hardware contributions respectively to the underfloor heating.





Not forgetting other generous donations of equipment which went towards the fitting out of the kitchen & meeting room.






A generous members donation paid for the hard wearing floor covering in the entrance lobby.






The meeting room in full swing for the annual AGM for example.


Our thanks go to all the other many supporters of this project, large & small, members & none members, time or financial, all too numerous to mention here, but none the less vitally important to the successful conclusion.

Thank you.