Bird’s Eye View…….

Kris Mcalpine has spent some time at Almondell videoing our activities with a view to putting together a documentary about Model Engineering.

Kris has kindly made available another of the sequences which will eventually be edited into the finished programme.  This time it is a birds eye view of the site & as the video is silent here are a few photographs to give context to the site:

A general view of the Heritage Centre & Museum, looking towards Drumshoreland Road.

Two views of the ‘Five Sisters Crossing’ which takes the Almondell (7¼” / 5″) & the Newliston (5″ / 3½”) circuits over the pond

This shows the ‘Five Sisters Crossing’ bottom left & the two circuits splitting.

Newliston (5″ / 3½”) is the upper line & is crossing ‘Blythe Bridge’, whilst the Almondell (7¼” / 5″) is bearing bottom right to the North end of the site.

A plan of the site can be found here.


And if you would like to see the progress on the site, compare this to the drone video shot in December 2017