Club running days have now recommenced on Sundays. These are not open to the public. If you don’t have a key to the site, then opening time is usually 11:00. Keyholders like to be off site by 16:00 so please respect this.
Visitors bringing engines from other clubs please contact the ESME Secretary beforehand to ensure the site will be open. If you are bringing a locomotive and/or rolling stock please CHECK our loading gauge by clicking here. If any of your rolling stock is outwith these parameters then you will not be able to run it as it will foul our structures. If in doubt, please contact the Secretary.
Locomotive Register / Members sign in –
All details must be entered into the register before running your locomotive. These books are kept in the entrance lobby of the building.
Before you run on any of the circuits you must familiarise yourself with the track layout and be aware of the following:
Running –
5” and 3½” gauge locomotives can run on the Newliston circuit (‘A’). Running direction is anti-clockwise unless otherwise agreed.
5″ and 7¼” gauge locomotives can run on the Almondell circuit (‘B’). Running direction is clockwise unless otherwise agreed.
7¼” gauge locomotives can run on the Appin circuit (‘C’). Running direction is clockwise unless otherwise agreed.
7¼” gauge locomotives can run on the Comrie circuit (‘C’). Running direction is clockwise unless otherwise agreed.
- When approaching junctions and level crossings a good lookout must be maintained for conflicting movements across the various junctions.
- A good lookout must always be maintained for errant pedestrians.
Unloading & loading of locomotives –
A 5” and 3½” turntable and steaming bays have been constructed off the inner circuit. A temporary 5″ and 7¼” steaming/turntable facility
is also provided and this has a ramp which can be raised and lowered by adjusting a jack. There is also a 7¼” adjustable loading ramp for larger 7¼”gauge locomotives. If you add packing to raise the ramp higher please remove it once you have loaded or unloaded. Care must be taken.
Once you have completed your operation please move your vehicle or trailer away from the ramp and park it neatly either further down the track towards the workshop containers or into a car parking area.
At times this area can get very muddy, please take care as the mud can be slippery under foot.
Operating –
All locomotive owners must sign into the register and complete the appropriate details. This is kept in the reception area of the building.
All steam locomotives must have a valid boiler certificate and this must be brought along for inspection.
A suitable Tail Lamp or End of Train Indicator should be carried on the last vehicle.
When more than one engine is in operation, drivers must inform each other of their presence and agree about locomotive movements before proceeding.
The railway is not yet signalled so operation is line-of-sight; drivers must always drive at a speed which will allow them to stop short of any obstruction. They must not exceed 5 mph.
Loop Siding space for servicing locomotives is limited on all circuits. Please be considerate to other users when stopping for any length of time.
Bring your own coal as bunkering facilities have not yet been constructed.
Servicing facilities –
Water is available from standpipes at Almondell Central, Drumshoreland & the steaming lyes. It is suggested you bring along a watering can or other suitable container.
All disposal of ash and hot coals from steam locomotives must be carried out on the concrete crossings or the steaming lyes. A brush is provided to sweep this up and to keep the running rails clear on the crossings.
Internal combustion and battery electrics can be prepared on the sleepered track.
Leaving the site –
Please tidy up your ash or other waste. Return all club items back to where you got them. Ensure the water supply is turned off. Please coil any hose pipes up neatly.
Passenger hauling –
The guidelines for safe operation apply equally on non-public open days. If using the ESME rolling stock please ensure you correctly couple the train up & that your locomotive has enough brake power to bring the train quickly to a halt in emergencies. Big boots don’t count!!
Building –
This is open for member or public use and access to the toilets.
Disclaimer of Liability
All persons entering this property or using any amenities or facilities on this property do so entirely at their own risk and subject to the following conditions:
This site is private property and the owners and / or members of these premises reserve the right to refuse admission or entry to any person.
This property may be monitored by CCTV surveillance.
The owner & operator of these premises, amenities & facilities and its directors, officers, members & representatives do not accept any liability whatsoever for any injury or death of any person or the loss or destruction of or damage to any property, whether arising from fire, theft or any cause whatsoever and by whomsoever caused or arising from the negligence or gross negligence or wrongful acts or omissions of the owner, operators, directors, officers, members & representatives.