Saturday Work party

Come along to Almondell to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, grass cutting, Read more about Saturday Work party[…]

Saturday Work party

Come along to Almondell to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, grass cutting, Read more about Saturday Work party[…]

Saturday Work party

Come along to Almondell to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, grass cutting, Read more about Saturday Work party[…]

Saturday Work party

Come along to Almondell to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, grass cutting, Read more about Saturday Work party[…]

Saturday Work party

Come along to Almondell to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, grass cutting, Read more about Saturday Work party[…]

Saturday Work party

Come along to Almondell to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, grass cutting, Read more about Saturday Work party[…]

Saturday Work party

Come along to Almondell to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, grass cutting, Read more about Saturday Work party[…]

Saturday Work party

Come along to Almondell to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, grass cutting, Read more about Saturday Work party[…]

Saturday Work party

Come along to Almondell to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, grass cutting, Read more about Saturday Work party[…]

Thursday Work party

Come along to Almondell every Thurday to help with the work party. A variety of jobs either outdoors or indoors and you can work either individually or as part of a team.  Lots to do. Also during the Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, a gardening club meet up on a Saturday for site maintenance, weeding, Read more about Thursday Work party[…]